
Transform Your Life with a Kindness Practice

Sometimes people get confused about what it is that they need to do in order to have a good life.  Some folks think that if they own expensive things, they’ll have a good life.  Others believe that the key is to work hard and become professionally successful.  There are those who think that a life of adventure is the best route.  But life is so much simpler than that.  The easiest way to create a good life is to adopt a kindness practice.

Now, I’ll concede that a kindness practice is not for everyone.  A kindness practice is not for the average person.  Average people behave in whatever way pops into their heads.  If they’re in a good mood, they’re delightful.  And if they’re in a bad mood, they’re mean and difficult.  The average person lacks self-control, so their behavior is dictated by their emotions.

People who practice kindness are of a different breed.  People who are consistently kind, no matter what is going on around them, have a level of emotional maturity that the average person does not possess.  But if you think that you have what it takes, I encourage you to adopt a kindness practice. If you do so, it will have a profoundly change your life.  In fact, a kindness practice is life transforming. 

Below are the many ways that adopting a kindness practice will improve your life.  Read about the power of a kindness and get inspired to just Be Kind!

Improve Your Relationships with a Kindness Practice

A kindness practice most assuredly will improve your relationships.  When you adopt a kindness practice, you commit to being kind, no matter what.  That means that you’re kind, even when the other person is being unpleasant.  You’re kind even if you’re in a bad mood, or if you haven’t had enough sleep. 

By choosing to be kind, regardless of what is going on around you, you develop your emotional stability. That’s because with a kindness practice, your behavior is consistent.  You are consistently kind, encouraging and compassionate all the time.

Realize that emotional stability is the key to having great relationships.  After all, we all want to be around people who are emotionally stable.  For example, children want to be raised by emotionally stable parents who behave in a kind and predictable manner.  And we all want spouses, family and friends who we can count on to be kind and respectful at all times, regardless of the circumstances.

So, if you want to improve your relationships with others, develop a kindness practice.  Choose to be consistently kind.  If you do so, I promise that your relationships will improve dramatically, and you will be a joy to all.

Feel Physically Better

When we are unkind or difficult, we create stress.  We, of course, create stress for those who have to deal with us.  But we also create stress for ourselves.  And stress isn’t just bad for our mental health. It hurts us physically.  Stress can give us headaches, stomachaches, high blood pressure and sleeping problems. 

Over the years, I’ve known people who at times could be extremely unkind.  And their poor behavior always had a physical result.  Some of them had sleeping issues.  Others had high blood pressure.  Some even developed serious illnesses.  The reality is that a failure to be kind truly can hurt you! 

So, if you want to be in top physical condition, adopt a kindness practice.  After all, being kind makes us feel calmer and reduces our stress.  And decreasing stress is critical for both your mental and physical health!

Increase Your Happiness

When we are kind to others, ironically, we ourselves become happier!  Of course, being kind to others increases their happiness.  But realize that a kindness practice also will increase your own happiness.

Now, we all know people who are unhappy.  And more likely than not, those folks are also unkind.  That’s because being unkind puts you on the path to misery.

Ask yourself this question: If you’ve ever had an argument, or if you’ve ever said unkind things to another person, were you happy afterward?  Of course not.  You were miserable.  That’s because when we are unkind, we not only make others unhappy, but we make ourselves extremely unhappy.

By contrast, when we are kind, life just clicks.  Our relationships are harmonious.  Our days run smoothly.  And when we look in the mirror, and we actually like the person looking back at us! 

So, if you want to be happier, adopt a kindness practice. When you have a kindness practice, life simply flows, and you truly are a happier person!

Reduce Your Negative Emotions

There are many negative emotions that we experience in life that don’t feel very good.  Anger.  Resentment.  Envy.  And the key to having a good life is to reduce how often you experience those emotions.

A kindness practice is a way to do exactly that.  When we choose to respond to any situation with kindness, those negative emotions are dissolved.  And then we are just left feeling good.

For example, let’s say that someone accidentally hits your car in the parking lot.  You have two choices in that moment.  You can choose to get very angry and tell the other driver off for hitting your car.  Or, you can be kind. You can tell the other driver “Don’t worry.  These things happen,” exchange insurance information, and be on your way.

Now, if you choose to get angry, what does that do for you?  Nothing.  You still that have to exchange insurance information and get your car fixed.  Except now you have to contend with your feelings of anger.  However, if you instead chose to respond with kindness, you have the same outcome.  Except you would leave the situation without having experienced the negative emotion of anger.

That example applies in all kinds of situations that we face on a day-to-day basis.  And by choosing to respond with kindness in difficult situations, you can reduce your experience of negative emotions.  And isn’t that a far better way to live!

Increase Your Self-Esteem

Many people suffer from low self-esteem because they don’t think that they are valuable.  They don’t see how their existence benefits the world.  Worse yet, they don’t think that they have useful talents and positive qualities.

If you suffer from these kinds of self-esteem issues, the good news is that a kindness practice is your key to boosting your self-esteem and confidence!  Realize that when you positively impact others, you remind yourself of your value.  Moreover, by helping others, you also remind yourself that you have talents and qualities which others need.

For example, I know that when I help others, I feel great!  I’m reminded that I have talents and skills which I can use to bless others.  And as a result, I feel capable and valuable. 

So, if you’re struggling with your self-esteem, adopt a kindness practice.  Be kind and help others at every opportunity.  If you do so, you’ll realize how truly wonderful and valuable you are!

Create A Positive Ripple Effect

Not only can you change your own life with a kindness practice, but you also will change the world.  Realize that kindness in contagious.  When you practice kindness, you inspire others to do the same, which creates a ripple effect.   

Unfortunately, some of us discount our effect on others.  We mistakenly think that our behavior doesn’t affect others.  However, the truth is that we each influence those around us.  With every word that we say, and with every action that we take, we influence others.  And we can choose to be a positive influence in the world, or a negative one. 

Of course, you can choose to be a negative influence. However, if you choose that approach, then you’ve missed the entire point of your purpose on this earth.  The only reason you’re here on this earth is to be a positive influence.  So, if you behave in an unkind, difficult or mean manner, you’ve missed the point.  You aren’t here to make the world worse.  You’re here to make it better.

So, take your purpose on this earth seriously!  Commit to a kindness practice and be part of creating a more compassionate and caring world.

Consider adopting a kindness practice.  If you do so, not only will you meaningfully transform your own life, but you’ll also positively impact the lives of others. (To read about how to become a wiser, more compassionate person, click here.)

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