The best thing that you can do for your mental health is to have periods of solitude each day. We all need time away from people. For example, there are some people in our lives who are challenging to be around. So, for our sanity, we need breaks from them. …
How to Become Your Truest Self
You would think that being your truest self would be an easy thing to do. After all, shouldn’t it just come naturally to be your true, authentic self? Unfortunately, the answer is “no.” Being your authentic self in a world that wants us all to be exactly the same is…
4 Ways to Wisely and Calmly Handle Difficult Situations
We all have to deal with difficult situations from time to time. For instance, we may receive bad news. Or someone around us may behave in an unpleasant manner. And the challenge is that these situations often are completely unexpected. So, we can be caught off guard. That’s why it’s…
The Magic of Having a Positive Perspective
One of the many truisms of life is this: Your perspective has the power to change your life experience. The reality is that oftentimes, we aren’t happy or sad based on our circumstances. Rather, we’re happy or sad based on how we view our circumstances. The good news is that…
How to Thrive When Life Feels Out of Control
The greatest challenge that we face in life is knowing how to manage thing happen that are outside of our control. The problem is that so much of life is outside of our control. For example, neither you nor I have control over other people. We also can’t control the…