
Great Habits to Reduce Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of our daily lives.  Sometimes we face unexpected stressful situations during the day.  At other times, we create our own stress!  The good news is that there are ways that we can reduce the stress in our lives.  To do that, we need to develop good habits which allow us to reduce our everyday stress.

When we have good habits, we stop doing those things that create unnecessary stress in our lives.  And good habits also help us manage the stress that we can’t avoid.  Below are some great habits you can adopt so that you can start living a more easy, relaxed and low-stress life.

Get Enough Sleep

No one manages stress well when they are tired.  When you get enough sleep, you are better able to manage the occasional stressors that come with each day.  For instance, waiting in a long line at the grocery store is exhausting when you didn’t get enough sleep the night before.  However, a long line won’t seem like a big deal if you are feeling well-rested and relaxed.

Wake Up Early

No good comes from sleeping in too late, especially on a work day.  Your life will go more smoothly if you go to sleep early and wake up early.  By waking up late, you create the unnecessary stress of being late for appointments or late for work.  Worse yet, you approach the day tense and harried if you race out the door because you are running late.  Better to wake up early and approach the day feeling calm and prepared.

Eat Healthy, Regular Meals

One of the best habits to reduce stress is to eat healthy, regular meals. Realize that food is fuel.  And if you don’t fuel your body in a regular and healthy manner, you won’t be your best.  For example, it is hard to think clearly and be pleasant if you are hungry.  Moreover, if you don’t eat good quality food, you will feel tired.  Nutritious foods give us energy so that we can do all the tasks that we need to get done during the day.  So, eat healthy foods and don’t skip meals.  Three nutritious meals a day will keep you energized and at your best throughout the day.

Don’t Multi-Task

Multi-tasking doesn’t work.  No one can do two things at once well.  You simply can do two things at the same time poorly.  Better to focus your attention on one task at a time.  You then will make fewer mistakes, and you will be more relaxed in how you approach your work.  When you accomplish one task at a time, you enable yourself to do your best work.

Fill Your Brain with Positive Influences

If you approach each day in a positive frame of mind, the little inconveniences of life won’t seem so bad.  In order to stay positive, you need to carefully choose what you read and listen to.  For example, while it is good to keep abreast of the news, most of the news is negative.  Better to keep your current events information to a minimum.  Instead, read spiritually uplifting books and articles. Or, listen to interesting and positive podcasts.  That way, you can maintain a good attitude, no matter what happens during your day.

Be Organized

Being highly organized may sound boring.  However, it’s actually empowering.  When you are highly organized, you have fewer mishaps.  For instance, if you respond to work emails promptly, your work life will go more smoothly.  Similarly, if you open your mail every day and pay your bills immediately, you won’t end up with late fees.  And by keeping your home organized and tidy, having unexpected guests isn’t stressful.  Better yet, you aren’t constantly looking for your keys!  There is no downside to being organized.  In fact, highly organized people enjoy life more because they aren’t wasting their time dealing with the occasional disasters that happen to disorganized people.

Adopt the Exercise Habit to Reduce Stress

Lots of people try to cut the edge of stress with alcohol, drugs or overeating.  But those are all self-destructive habits.  If you want to improve your mood in a positive way, you need to exercise.  When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins, a wonderful chemical which makes us feel good.  For example, when I do a high intensity workout, such as riding my exercise bike, I feel happy at the end.  Now my circumstances didn’t change while I was riding the bike!  I just worked up a good sweat, and my body released those lovely endorphins. And an hour later, I naturally feel more positive about life.  The endorphins cut the edge of any stress I was feeling before the workout.

Take Breaks During the Day

Between work and home responsibilities, it is easy to feel worn out by the end of the day.  And when we are exhausted, every little thing that goes wrong seems ten times worse.  That is why it is so important to take short breaks throughout the day to recharge.  For instance, when I used to work in an office, I found that just going outside to get a breath of fresh air made a huge difference.  Even a ten-minute walk to grab cup of coffee could un-muddle my brain.  I then was able to return and approach my work with a clear head and do a better job.

Consider following the above suggestions to reduce the everyday stress in your life.  You’ll find that by adopting these simple habits, your days will run more smoothly.  And then if inconveniences happen, you’ll be able to handle them with ease. (To read about how to insulate yourself against stress, click here.)

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