
Change Your Life with The Power of Positivity

Unfortunately, we live in a world in which people can be extremely critical and negative.  Many people simply can’t see the positive in other people or situations.  The problem is that having a highly critical, negative attitude doesn’t serve us.  It just leads us to be tense and unhappy about ourselves and the world that we live in.  The good news is that if you want to be happy and relaxed, there’s a solution. You just need to tap into the power of positivity.

Realize that a positive perspective on life isn’t a delusional perspective.  A positive perspective is realistic.  It’s simply a perspective in which we focus on those things that we do well and that others do well.  And we have gentler attitude toward our own failings and the failings of others. 

I’ll give you an example:  Let’s say that you go into work every day and are disappointed in your boss.  Perhaps you think that he doesn’t recognize your hard work.  So, you spend each day at work frustrated and sad because you’re irritated with your boss.

And let’s say that your disappointment is valid.  Your boss isn’t appreciating you as he should be.  You can be irritated. But is your irritation helping you to be a happier person?  No, it isn’t.

Now, let’s say that you decide to take a positive perspective on your boss.  You choose to be grateful that he always stops by your desk to ask how you and your family are doing.  Or perhaps he treats everyone in the department to coffee and doughnuts every Friday. 

With that more positive perspective, you start feeling a little bit gentler toward your boss.  And soon you start feeling more relaxed when you go into work.  Then out of nowhere, you’re just happier about the world and your place in it.

You get my point.  A critical, negative, grouchy attitude will not serve you in life.  It will just make you sad and frustrated.  But an attitude of positivity can help you to feel better, and dare I say, happier about your life!

A positive perspective truly can have profound effects on your mental well-being. Read below about how the power of positivity can change your life for the better.

Use Positivity to Improve Your Relationships with Others

A great deal of the stress that we suffer from in life is caused by having bad relationships with other people.  The good news is that one effective way that we can improve our relationships is by being more positive in our interactions.

Admittedly, we all can make the mistake of saying negative, hurtful things to others.  The problem is that we then often compound our mistake by making excuses for our poor behavior.  For instance, we may tell ourselves that what we said was OK because it was truthful.  It’s that kind of wrong-headed thinking that leads us to have terrible relationships and stressful lives.

For example, let’s say that your sister is overweight.  You can tell her that she’s overweight, and that may be a truthful statement.  But is it helpful?  No.  Of course, not.  If you tell her that she’s overweight, you’ll make her feel badly about herself.  And you’ll ruin your relationship with her. 

That’s an obvious example.  But we do that all the time.  We make mean, dumb remarks, and our excuse for our behavior is that our statement was true

Positive people know that the truth is irrelevant when it comes to human relationships.  If you want to interact with others positively, then you should have two goals in your every interaction with others: Positivity and Kindness. 

To tap into the power of positivity when interacting with others, ask yourself in every interaction, “Am I being kind?”  “Am I being encouraging?”  If what you are saying isn’t kind or encouraging, then your comment should stay inside your head and not come out of your mouth. 

Realize that if you can’t learn how to filter yourself in such a manner, your relationships with others are going to be terrible.  And as a result, you’ll be miserable.  And it will be your own fault.

So, learn to be positive and encouraging in everything that you say to others.  In doing so, you’ll end up having great relationships with other people.  And, in turn, you’ll be a far happier person!

Decrease Anxiety and Depression with A Positive Outlook

Often, we feel anxious and depressed because we feel like the world is a terrible place.  And admittedly, the world can be a very tough place for many people, and certainly for many of the animals that inhabit our earth. 

But if you want to stop being depressed and anxious, it’s critical that you learn to be a positive force in the world.  Yes, the world may be crappy at times.  But with a positive attitude, you can be part of the solution

That requires you to conduct yourself in a positive manner, at all times.  Be kind to every person that you meet.  Encourage others.  Help other people and animals so that the world is a better place, simply because you are in it.

For example, when I feel discouraged about the world, the only way I can stop feeling discouraged is through positivity.  When I treat others with kindness, I feel happier.  And when I encourage others, I feel good about my effect on others and the world.

I also try to view others more positively.  When I do so, I feel better about other people.  Because when you look at others with positivity, you see them as not merely good or bad.  Rather, you see people for who they are.  Complex individuals with both good and bad qualities.  And with a positive attitude, you are able to focus your energy on what’s good about other folks.

So, if you want to decrease your anxiety and depression, tap into the power of positivity.  Treat others in a kind, positive way.  Spread encouragement at every opportunity.  And view others in the most positive light possible.  In doing so, you’ll just feel better about yourself and the world.

Use Positivity to Create Inner Peace

When we talk about positivity, typically we are talking about viewing others or situations in the most positive light possible.  But we often forget that we should be equally positive in the way that we view ourselves.

Unfortunately, we live in a world in which it’s hard to feel positively about oneself.  After all, the world can be a harsh place.  People can be critical and mean. And then we, in turn, beat ourselves up because we aren’t perfect in the eyes of others.

I myself spent many years being highly self-critical.  In part, I was insecure.  But part of my problem also was that I had to deal with certain people who were highly critical.

Then one day, I had an epiphany of sorts.  I realized that all the people around me were flawed.  Just like me.  In fact, some of them were highly flawed!  And I thought to myself, “Why am I trying to live up to the standards of these folks?”  

I also concluded that while I had flaws, I also had great qualities and skills.  And I needed to appreciate myself a whole lot more.

That was the beginning of my journey toward having a more positive view of myself.  A journey in which I decided that I was going to love what was great about me, and I was going to be gentle with myself in the areas where I needed to improve.

That kind of positive perspective has brought me inner peace.  The good news is that at this stage in my life, I’m extremely happy with myself.  I feel very good about myself and my accomplishments.  And while I’m not perfect, I’m truly enjoying the journey of self-improvement.  I love the challenge of trying to get better and better with each passing year!

So, practice positivity toward others and toward yourself.  There is no reason to be rough on yourself.   Instead, be kind and gentle with yourself, in the way that a good, loving parent would be kind and gentle toward their child.  Have a positive view of your achievements, and encourage yourself to improve with each and every day.

A positivity practice has the power to make us feel great about ourselves, the world and our place in it.  Consider the following the approaches above. Use the power of positivity to have better relationships and to become an all-round happier human being! (To read about the power of changing your perspective, click here.)

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