Graciousness is a difficult word to define. But we all know gracious people when we meet them. Over the years, I’ve met people who I considered to be exceptionally gracious. These individuals had impeccable manners. They were the kind of people who rarely criticized others but instead focused on appreciating…
Use Gentle, Kind Communication to Have Great Relationships
Often, we mistakenly think that communication is about expressing ourselves. It’s not. I know that flies in the face of what every communication expert will tell you. But the point of communicating with others is not to share your every thought and feeling. Rather, the point of communication is to…
Use the Power of Self-Discipline to Change Your Life
The older I get, the more I realize that the only way to have a good life is to develop your self-discipline. Realize that without self-discipline, your relationships will be terrible. Moreover, your home will be in disarray, and your career will be average at best. Self-discipline is a necessary…
How to Craft a Regret-Free Existence
It’s impossible to go through life without having some regrets. Often, we do things that we regret in our younger years. For instance, you may regret having married the wrong person. Or you may regret having taken the wrong career path. Some regrets may involve personal or professional paths that…
How to Meet Your Ethical Obligations: Your 6 Responsibilities Toward Others
One of the most difficult questions we face in life is this: What are our ethical obligations to other people? For instance, what do you ethically owe to your parents? What obligations do you have toward your adult children, siblings, neighbors and friends? Do you have certain responsibilities to other…