One of the defining characteristics of being an adult is being helpful. That’s what adults do. They help other people, such as their parents, family members, friends, and even complete strangers. If you only serve yourself and don’t help anyone else, you are effectively still a child. So, it’s important…
Create a Better Future for Yourself: 5 Great Habits to Start Today
We are a reflection of our habits. In fact, your life today is a reflection of your habits over the past decades. Your physical health, mental health, and career are all a product of those habits. That’s both good and bad news. The good news is that you have the…
5 Things to Get Rid of to Be Happier
So often in life, we think, “If only I had X, I would be so much happier.” But sometimes what’s preventing us from being happy is not that we need to get something. Rather, to be happy, we may need to get rid of something. Or we may need to…
How to Accept the Impermanence of Life
One of the most difficult challenges that we face in life is accepting change. Realize that nothing in life stays the same. Our children will grow up and become independent adults. Our parents will grow old and eventually pass away. And our financial fortunes will rise and then fall, on…
4 Ways to Increase Your Personal Productivity
Articles abound on the Internet about how to increase your “work” productivity. This article isn’t concerned with that. That is because if you work for an employer, I’m confident that at the end of the day, you’re tired, and you already do more than enough to earn your paycheck. Rather,…