When we are healthy, we often take our good health and our ease of getting through the day for granted. We don’t give a lot of thought to our bodies, and we just go blithely through life. But when we are faced with a serious illness, life becomes more complicated. …
5 Rules for Creating a Happy Life
The mistake many people make is that they go in search of a happy life. They look high and low for the best mate possible. Or they fret over what would be the best place to live or the best career. But here is the secret about life: A happy…
3 Effective Steps to Solve Any Big Life Problem
The key to success in life is to become great at solving problems. Because no matter how prudently you live your life, problems will arise. Having problems is just an inevitable part of the human experience. Now, there are some people who don’t actually want to solve their problems. They’d…
How to Have a Well-Lived Life
Sometimes when someone passes away, people will comment, “That person had a well-lived life.” What I’ve noticed is that comment isn’t always made when someone dies. Because the unfortunate reality is that some people’s lives aren’t “well-lived.” They’re just “lived.” Admittedly, what constitutes a well-lived life is different for every…
The 6 Rules for Living a Well-Balanced Life
We all want to have a life in which everything just clicks. We want to spend our time doing those things that we enjoy or that give us meaning. And we want to have the right amount of work and free time each day. And, of course, we want to…