Our world feels chaotic these days. Within the span of three weeks, we’ve been overtaken by a highly contagious virus. This has led to quarantines, a lack of staple items in our grocery stores, and possibly loves ones who are ill. Admittedly, the speed with which our lives have changed…
Focusing on Your Purpose for Today
Many of us worry about what our life purpose is. We want to know, “Why am I here? What is it that I am supposed to do with this life of mine?” Those are daunting questions. Frankly, I don’t think that they are answerable. The reality is that our life…
5 Ways to Improve Your Relationships
We all want to improve our relationships. Not only are we happier when we have good relationships, but we are healthier. Studies show that having positive relationships leads to less stress and a longer life. However, sometimes it is hard to figure out how to have good relationships with others. …
Your Best Days Lie Ahead
“It ain’t over till it’s over” – Yogi Berra Yogi Berra made the above comment during the 1973 National League pennant race. His team was losing when he said it, and they eventually went on to win the division title. I love this quote because it isn’t just truism about…
How to Create A Peaceful Life
Recently a friend of mine turned 50. When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he said, “Peace.” I fully understood his birthday wish. We all seek a peaceful life. Like my friend, the older I get, the more I value having a peaceful life. But given the…