In western society, we are indoctrinated to believe that happiness comes from making ourselves happy. You’ll be happy if you own that luxury car. Life will be great if you wear designer clothes and live in a big house. Happiness will come when you can do what you want, whenever…
30 Habits for Happiness and Better Health
We all have great intentions. But what shapes our lives isn’t our lives isn’t our intentions. What shapes our lives is what we actually do – on a daily basis. In short, our lives are shaped by our habits. So, our habits matter. Our habits can make us feel fabulous…
Organizing Tips to Create a Serene Home
Now that spring is here, many of us are airing out our homes and doing our spring cleaning. We are storing our winter clothes and purging what is no longer functional or used. And we are re-organizing. The benefits of organizing your home are numerous. First of all, if your…
Self-Care Strategies That Work
Self-care is something that most of us don’t focus on when we are young and healthy. During our younger years, we have the natural beauty and resilience of youth. So, we think, “Why spend time and money on taking care of myself? I look and feel great!” But as the…
The Three Building Blocks for A Happy Life
There are all kinds of trite sayings about happiness. “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” “Happiness is an inside job.” The reality is that our happiness depends upon more than just ourselves. Our circumstances also can prevent us from being happy and from having a happy life. For instance, it is really…