It’s impossible to go through life without having some regrets. Often, we do things that we regret in our younger years. For instance, you may regret having married the wrong person. Or you may regret having taken the wrong career path. Some regrets may involve personal or professional paths that…
How to Meet Your Ethical Obligations: Your 6 Responsibilities Toward Others
One of the most difficult questions we face in life is this: What are our ethical obligations to other people? For instance, what do you ethically owe to your parents? What obligations do you have toward your adult children, siblings, neighbors and friends? Do you have certain responsibilities to other…
How to Avoid 5 of Life’s Most Common Mistakes
There’s a funny little comment that my husband makes from time to time. He’ll say, “So-and-so can’t get out of their own way.” What he means to say is this: That person has everything that he or she needs to succeed in life. There’s nothing wrong with that person’s circumstances. …
The Art of Purposeful Living: Make Your Time on Earth Count
Life can get away from us, if we aren’t careful. If we don’t pay attention, we can end up spending our days just meeting our responsibilities and nothing more. The problem is that if we merely survive life and just get through each day, we’ll waste this one and only…
8 Ways to Increase Your Emotional Maturity
Why is it that some people become personally and professionally successful in life, while others don’t? For instance, I know folks who’ve been given everything. They’ve been given top-notch educations. Life has given them good opportunities. And they come from nice families. Yet, their personal relationships are a mess, and…