Unfortunately, most of us have limiting beliefs that we have to overcome. Limiting beliefs are the false beliefs that we have about ourselves and our place in the world. They typically are instilled in us at early ages, either by our family or our peers. We then carry them into…
Having A Positive Outlook, Even When Life Is Hard
Having a positive outlook is the key to happiness and success. Why? Because life is hard. And sometimes it is really hard. But with a positive outlook, we are better able to manage life, even when it is difficult. People with a positive outlook can manage life’s ups and downs…
4 Character Traits of Highly Successful People
Typically, when striving to be successful, we focus on developing the skills that we need for success. So, we may focus on improving our problem-solving abilities. Or we may try to develop our self-discipline or communication skills. But often, we overlook what is the true foundation of success: Character. Our…
7 Ways to End the Procrastination Habit
Typically, inability is not what keeps us from achieving our goals. Rather, the reason that we don’t accomplish our goals is due to one bad habit: Procrastination. We choose to put off doing the work necessary to make our dreams come to pass. If you procrastinate, don’t feel alone. Procrastination…
Embracing Failure on the Path to Success
No one likes to fail. We dread it. We avoid it. And the way that most people avoid failure is by not even trying. They don’t try to achieve their dreams because they would rather not face failure than reach their goals. However, what people don’t realize is that failure…