Often, as we age, we mistakenly view self-improvement as something that we don’t need to do anymore. We think, “Improving ourselves was for our younger years. We’re good now … aren’t we?” The short answer is, “No!” We each are a work in progress and should be improving ourselves until…
Staying Positive in the Midst of Change
Change is difficult for all of us. If you find major life changes to be stressful, know that you are not alone! However, the one thing we can count on in life is change. It is inevitable. So, it is important to find positive ways to deal with change. Some…
3 Great Self-Motivation Strategies to Achieve Your Goals
Typically, we don’t worry about self-motivation because so much of life involves our doing those things that we have to do. For instance, in order to survive, you have to work at a job in order to pay for things like food, clothing and shelter. You don’t need to be…
4 Ways to Get Over Feeling “Not Good Enough”
Every person on this earth has felt “not good enough” at one time or another. If you feel that way on occasion, know that you are not alone. You may not feel good enough to achieve your dreams. Or, you may worry that you aren’t good enough to do your…
Take Responsibility for Your Happiness and Radically Change Your Life
If there is one lesson that every child should be taught by the age of 5, it is this: You are responsible for your own happiness. And knowing how to take responsibility for your own happiness is the most important skill that any human being can learn. If you want…