The most important mindset that you can develop in life is a growth mindset. When you have a growth mindset, you know that you aren’t stuck where you are today. Rather, you know that with time and dedication, you can improve yourself. You can expand your existing abilities. You can…
Personal Development
How Kindness Can Make You Happier and Healthier
Sometimes in life, we forget how important kindness is. We think that other things, like money or professional success, are going to transform our lives for the better. But the truth is that kindness is your key to a happy life. In fact, a kindness practice will make you both…
4 Practical Ways to Become a More Inclusive Person
One of the most subtle and cruel ways in which human beings hurt each other is through exclusion. Exclusion is a behavior that you typically see on children’s playgrounds. But, sadly, it’s also a behavior that you find amongst adults. Adults exclude others for all kinds of reasons. Some people…
How to Use a Stoic Approach to Overcome Adversity
Stoicism was an ancient Greek philosophy that focused on how to live a good life. In recent years, the Stoics’ approach to life has become quite popular. And for good reason. It’s a philosophy that focuses on developing one’s wisdom and virtues. And it’s through wise and virtuous living that…
The Simple But Effective Power of Walking Away
Here are some liberating thoughts that will transform your life: You don’t have to argue. Or yell. Or pitch a fit. Ever. It’s true! You can just walk away from any difficult person or problematic situation. In fact, there’s significant wisdom in simply walking away. Now I’ll concede that walking…