Dealing with change is hard. No one enjoys it. We are all creatures of habit, and we all would prefer that our lives putter along without disruption. However, avoiding change can hurt us. I’ve known people who stayed in bad marriages for years, simply because the changes that come with…
Personal Development
Letting Go of Your Attachments
“The root of suffering is attachment.” – The Buddha The older I get, the more I understand the Buddha’s statement regarding attachment. Without a doubt, attachment is what has created the most suffering in my life. My attachment to things or people or even outcomes, at times, has led me…
The Life Changing Power of Acceptance
I used to think that the Buddhist theory of acceptance was a defeatist approach to life. The idea behind acceptance is that we stop fighting what is, and that we just accept it. For anyone who has any amount of gumption, that seems like a depressing approach! If you are…
4 Easy Ways to Boost Your Confidence
Many people in our society lack of confidence. And that is understandable. We live in a world in which folks are more apt to criticize than to pay a compliment. Even in the news, 99% of the stories are about what some politician, celebrity or businessperson has done incorrectly, rather…
Healing Your Mind from the Past
No one goes through life unscathed. We all have experienced things that we wish we hadn’t. And we’ve all seen cruelties that we wish we could un-see. The past is always imperfect. For example, as a child, I witnessed interactions between my parents which were awful. I wish I could…