Greetings friends! The goal of this website is to help you create your best life. You deserve to have a life in which you have meaningful relationships with those closest to you. You deserve to have a career that is personally and financially rewarding. You deserve to have a home life that refreshes you, and hobbies that enrich you. My hope is that the advice in these articles will help you achieve all that and more.
During my life’s journey, I have lived in the United States, Canada and the Middle East. Over the years, I’ve met people from a variety of cultures and economic backgrounds. What I’ve found is that in spite of our differences, we all have one thing in common: The desire to be successful at something, and the desire to safe and happy. My hope is that this website will give you the tools to find your own success and happiness in life.
Aside from being a writer, I am a wife and a mother. My husband and daughter are both incredibly kind, intelligent and accomplished people. They inspire me each day to be my very best self. And lest I forget, our little family is blessed with a menagerie of “rescue” pets, including a dog, cat and two bunnies. Believe it or not, they all get along beautifully! Our little crew is a wonderful example of how anyone can get along with the right attitude.
My sincere hope is that this website inspires and uplifts you. Now let’s get to work to Create a Great Life!